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Teach + Kids Learn


A New Approach to Professional Development.

Teach & Kids Learn (TKL) is a DC-Based startup with a bold vision to change the way teachers advance their craft in a measurable, sustainable way. Their work is the culmination of years of research, testing and iteration. And, eight years on, its hard work was beginning to pay off. What started as a basement-grown start-up had become an industry contender, expanding across the US and winning market share from larger, more established competitors.

Good Problems Are Still Problems. Yet, in spite of its success, in early 2017, TKL’s leadership team found themselves at a crossroads. The org was on the verge of announcing a major partnership with a leading professional testing and assessment tool. In just a few months, they would go from an ambitious and scrappy startup to a legitimate competitor. The problem? Their existing brand and digital presence were anything but legitimate.

Crystallizing TKL’s, WHY

We began by learning everything we could about TKL; It’s history, customers, approach and product line. Through multiple workshops, interviews, and a lot of research, the truly transformative power of their work became crystal clear. The TKL brand was about transformation – inside and out. Takt crafted a flexible visual identity to match the org’s entrepreneurial spirit – a butterfly, to communicate the org’s transformative power. The logo mark was designed to be flexible, allowing TKL to leverage variations of the logo across multiple product and service offerings while maintaining brand consistency.

To complement their new brand, Takt built a new custom WordPress website that integrated with the org’s Learning management system and acted as a lead-generation tool. Here, TKL’s vision came to life with stunning visuals and absolute clarity, positioning them to step into their future with confidence and clarity.

Digital Implementation

A significant aspect of this transformation was the development of an intuitive and user-friendly website, underpinned by a robust technical framework. The choice to continue with Drupal for the back-end was driven by its proven effectiveness in content management and flexibility.

The website’s architecture was crafted to be modular, allowing for future expansions without compromising the design integrity. Accessibility and user experience were paramount, with the site adhering to web accessibility standards and optimized for search engines, ensuring that the magazine’s rich content would reach a broader audience effectively.